Objaviti nove stihove Miroslava Kirina posebna je čast za naš mladi časopis. U osam pjesama koje ovdje donosimo u hrvatskom originalu te u engleskom prijevodu, autor raz(g)rađuje zvukovlje oko zadanog, ili bolje, otkrivenog, ili još bolje, samoproganjajućeg motiva; nekad je to zid, nekad su to avangardni predšasnici Josip Sever i Miroslav Šutej, ponedjeljak ili razlog, predući nenametljivom ironijom iskreno povjerenje u snagu izvorne znatiželje: da se riječi i značenja izokrenu, prevrte po prstima i jeziku, da ih se pusti da ostave nepredvidljive tragove i da se u tome, pri tome uživa. Zvonka ponavljanja sintagmi otvaraju prostor gdje se spontanost govornog jezika, njegova melodioznost i ležernost susreću sa sasvim autentičnim "prijevojima mišljenja". Čitajte, zavrtite se (s) riječima, neka se kovitla!
It is with delight that we bring you new verses from Miroslav Kirin, award-winning Croatian poet and writer. Eight poems are presented here in their Croatian original and in an English translation. They reveal the author's dialogue with avant-garde Croatian notables such as poet Josip Sever and artist Miroslav Šutej, opening for the reader an authentic view into the world of "bends of thoughts", "searching" and "reason(s)" for new meanings that grow out of dizzy rhythmical repetitions. So, go ahead, read - into this swirl of words!

Miroslav Kirin (1965., Sisak) pjesnik, prevoditelj i prozaik, diplomirao je engleski jezik i komparativnu književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Objavio je pjesničke zbirke Od nje do vječnosti, (1989. – nagrada Goran za mlade pjesnike), Tantalon (1998.), Zukva (2004.), Iza renesanse (2004.), Jalozi (2006.) Zbiljka (2009.), Zenzancije (2013.), i Hipernovalis (2015). Također je objavio autofikcionalni roman Album (2001.), za koji je nagrađen Nagradom Jutarnjeg lista za najbolju proznu knjigu u 2001. godini, fotoesejističku knjigu Iskopano (2012.), i slikovnicu Zimska potraga (2015.) u koautorstvu s umjetnikom Mingsheng Pi-em. Koscenarist je i protagonist dokumentarnog filma Album (2011.) redatelja Branka Ištvančića. Poezija i proza prevedena mu je na engleski, grčki, hebrejski, kineski, mađarski, njemački, rumunjski, ruski, španjolski i talijanski te zastupljena u brojnim domaćim i inozemnim antologijama i pregledima suvremene poezije. Član je Hrvatskog društva pisaca i hrvatskog P.E.N. centra.
Miroslav Kirin was born in 1965 in Sisak, Croatia, and lives in Zagreb. He is the author of eight volumes of poetry: Od nje do vječnosti [From Her to Eternity], 1989, which won the prestigious Goran Prize for poetry; Tantalon [Tantalon], 1998; Zukva [Zukva], 2004; Poslije renesanse [After the Renaissance], 2004; Jalozi [Jalozi], 2006, Zbiljka [Zbiljka], 2009, Zenzancije [Zensations], 2013, and Hipernovalis [Hipernovalis], 2015. He also published an autofictional novel Album, for which he was awarded the Jutarnji List Prize for the best fiction in Croatia in 2001. The book The Excavated (2012), a collection of essays on the found photographs corresponds with his first prose book Album, which focuses on the family photographs lost in the 1991-95 war in Croatia. Kirin is also the main protagonist and the co-author of the screenplay for the art documentary Album (2011), directed by Branko Ištvančić. His poetry and fiction have been translated into Chinese, English, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and Russian. His work is represented in national and international anthologies of contemporary poetry. He is the member of the Croatian Writers' Society (HDP) and the Croatian PEN center. He also translates poetry and fiction from English.
Zašto više ne mogu do mora? Kraj mora su sazidali zid Ne daju nam da mi i ovce vidimo more
Ili je riječ možda o ovome Nitko još nije vidio zid Ali more je otišlo
Why cannot I go to the sea no more? By the sea they've built a wall They don't let us and the sheep see the sea
Or maybe it's just that No one has even seen the wall yet But the sea has already gone
Da bih doznao što je jabuka Moram je zagristi Da bih doznao što je konj Moram ga zagristi
Ali na konju jaše pustopašni Josip Sever Da bih doznao što je pustopašni Josip Sever Moram ga zagristi
A u Josipu Severu je diktator On će mene ugristi Jer diktator je prazna siva ploča Diktator je smrznuta ravnica I otud nema se više kud
To know what an apple is I have to bite it To know what a horse is I have to bite it
But a wayward Josip Sever rides that horse So to know what a wayward Josip Sever is I have to bite him
Only there is a dictator inside of Josip Sever And he'll bite me For a dictator is an empty gray slate A dictator is a frozen plain And from there's no way out.
Dugo sam mislio Da je prodavač voća na tržnici Zapravo Miroslav Šutej
Suprotno meni On nije mislio da je Miroslav Šutej Premda je izgledao kao Miroslav Šutej I možda je bio sličniji Šuteju od Šuteja
Mislio je samo Kako da proda svježe zadarske smokve Jer sutra ih više neće biti
To je bilo sve o čemu je mislio Miroslav Šutej s tržnice
For a long time I thought The person selling fruit at the market Is actually Miroslav Šutej
Unlike me he didn't think he was Miroslav Šutej Though he looked like Miroslav Šutej Even more like Šutej than Šutej himself
All he thought was How to sell fresh figs from Zadar For tomorrow they'll be gone
That was all he thought about That Miroslav Šutej from the market
Oprez, oprez, prema meni ide ponedjeljak Zavrnut ću mu šiju i poslati ga u nedjelju
Pa neka služi izgladnjeloj klasi Pa neka molitve servira za doručak Pa neka bude kratka zelena trava Na kojoj se tvrdo, tvrđe, najtvrđe spava
Attention, attention, Monday approaches I will wring its neck and send it to Sunday
Where it can serve the starved classes Where it can serve prayers for breakfast Where it can be short green grass On which one can sleep a heavy, the heaviest sleep
Baš me muči to mišljenje To beskonačno razmišljanje Savijam se lakše od gume Preuzimam sve oblike
Danas sam, eto, vunena vesta A ti si čelična štanga Trljam se o tebe zdesna Trljam se o tebe slijeva Frrrr baš je električno
I'm really bothered by this thought This endless thinking Bending easier than rubber I take on all sorts of shapes
Today, for example, I'm a woolen vest And you a steel pole I rub against you from the right I rub against you from the left Buzzzz it's so electric
A kako kako opet A kako naš brat otac sin muž šogor A kako naša sestra majka supruga ujna A kako sve u jednom a nigdje i nitko
A kako kao u zemlju propao A kako kad grad pun postera a još i na radiju A kako kad svi sad znaju to lice A kako kad čudna fotka a kako nepoznat
A kako kad odjeven u plavu trenirku A kako kad odjeven u bijelu majicu i crne tenisice A kako biti različit a opet prepoznat A kako kad se o tome neprestano govori i šapće
A kako kad još samo nekoliko dana A kako kad već netko drugi sličan čeka A kako kad nema pravog razloga A kako kad čovjeka nema i nema
But how how again But how our brother father son husband brother-in-law But how our sister mother wife aunt But how all in one and nobody anywhere
But how as if fallen off the face of the Earth But how when the city plastered with posters and even on the radio But how when now everybody knows that face But how when the photo's so strange and how unknown
But how when dressed in blue tracksuit But how when dressed in white T-shirt and black sneakers But how to be different and yet recognized But how when it's all anyone talks and whispers about
But how when only for a few days longer But how when someone similar is already waiting But how when there's no good enough reason But how when a man is nowhere to be found
Rekao sam da je danas srijeda Vi kažete danas nije srijeda Danas sam pojeo ribu i blitvu A vi kažete - grah i kobase
Bankari su digli glas protiv morala Vi - da su još tiše govorili o moralu Još su se i studenti po običaju pobunili Vi –pogrešno su računali burne godine
Vi ste stekli pouzdanje čvrstim laganjem Ja - umekšavao sam ga drvenom palicom Vi ste rekli da danas nije srijeda A ja – pojeo sam vam i ribu i blitvu i grah i kobase
I said today is Wednesday You say Wednesday is not today Today I had some fish and greens You say – beans and sausages
Bankers raised their voice against morality You claim – they were even more quiet about morality And now the students rebelled as usual You claim – they mistook these for years of turmoil
You acquired confidence by hard lies I – softened them with a wooden bat You said today is not Wednesday And I – I ate your fish and greens and sausages and beans
Ja imam jedan razlog dovoljan Dovoljan da vas sve mirno prebijem Prebijem li vas sve hoću li ja biti Biti sam sebi dovoljan da ostanem
Ostanem živjeti sa svojim razlogom Razlogom koji mi ne da da mirujem Mirujem od jutra do večeri a ujutro Ujutro krećem s revolucijom brate
Brate, nađi i ti svoj dobar razlog Razlog koji će ujediniti sve nas Nas koji smo od rođenja u potrazi U potrazi za svojim pravim mirom
My reason is good enough
Good enough to beat you all up If I beat you all up will I be Will I be myself enough to stay
To stay and live with my reason Reason that won’t let me rest Rest from the morn’ till the evening and then Then I’ll start a revolution, brother
Brother, find yourself a good reason A reason good enough to unite us all All who from their birth have searched Searched for their true peace
Translations by NGORwDAC.
Top photo by Zoran Žmirić.