Recent articles and interviews.

"A daily journal? Stvarno?"
Life at the literary farm is peaceful, you might say, but that doesn't mean we don't like a little excitement every now and then. And we love being asked difficult questions. We remember one such day when the Istrian and Croatian press lit up our phones and inboxes with interview requests and notifications; we were casually informed by a number of people that starting up a daily journal is "unheard of" these days. It's definitely a one-of-kind in Croatia, and possibly even in the greater Balkans.
Is the idea that strange? The format can be seen to mimic the daily rhythms of a writer; one day prolific and verbose, the next day terse and Spartan; some days more playful and more limbic, other days less defined and connected to reality. Sure, this daily production can be challenging to execute, but with such brilliant writers, translators and artists contributing to the ZiN Daily community, how could it be any easier? There are so many conversations waiting to happen, and each day surprises us, yes even us, the humble editors of ZiN Daily.
Speaking of humility, check out some of the recent press by our colleagues in the following venues:
And an interview where yours truly reveal a bit more about the ZiN Daily adventure and its alchemical processes: