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The Long Now: James Meetze

James Meetze

ZiN's writer-in-residence in November of 2017 is James Meetze,

the author of three books, including Phantom Hour and Dayglo, which was selected by Terrance Hayes for the 2010 Sawtooth Poetry Prize, both published by Ahsahta Press. He is editor, with Simon Pettet, of Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems by James Schuyler (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010). James lives in San Diego, where he is a professor of creative writing and film studies at Ashford University. In collaboration with Ken White he writes for film and television.

Poetry of James Meetze which we here bring you in its English original and the very first translation to the Croatian language employs the code of Greek mythology along with an intricately structured system of metaphors to relay an authentic marvel in the miracle of life.

Gost svratišta ZVONA i NARI u studenom 2017. kalifornijski je pjesnik iz San Diega James Meetze. Do sad je objavio tri zbirke poezije, a pri sveučilištu Ashford podučava kreativno pisanje i filmologiju. S velikim zadovoljstvom preveli smo Jamesove najnovije stihove koji su dio zbirke u nastajanju. Grčka mitologija, gramatika kao sustav i preduvjet komunikacije, ljubavna intima i metafizička pitanja o onome što nas očekuje nakon završetka stanja koje poznajemo pod nazivom život nude dinamičnu mrežu susreta značenja jednog filozofski znatiželjnog i estetski primamljivog autorskog izraza. Gramatika duše ispisuje se kroz veo šifriranih poruka antičkih proročanstva pri čemu neuroze našeg vremena otkrivaju autentičnu želju da smo još sposobni, još žedni zanositi se čudom života.



In the internet’s too many faces

an algorithm suggests


Grammar is a way

of knowing.

A clause arrives

to meet you in the air-

like afternoon, punctuated

by friend requests. Ding!

A name is not enough

to know its person.

The particles

around our performance


A measure

of immeasurable matter

the body’s tether

to the soul

and time

until we know.


U premnogim licima interneta

jedan algoritam sugerira


Gramatika je način


Rečenica stiže

da te susretne u zraku -

poput popodneva, s interpunkcijom

zaprimljenog zahtjeva za prijateljstvom. Cin!

Ime nije dovoljno

da bi se poznavala osoba.


oko naše izvedbe

sjaje duginim bojama.


nemjerljive tvari

spona tijela

s dušom

i vremenom

dok ne spoznamo.


She in the shadowlight

whispers something

the prima materia

is not the soul of the world it is

the stuff the world is made of

the quintessence.

Whatever to do about it

To sing an evensong into dark

matters, does it not.

All the voices shades

Persephone carried over

into fields, vision peripheries of thought.

It is not the law of the land, but the land

from which the law erupts of its dormant bulb

dimwitted winter light.

She turns back to the golden hour

where the image is and isn’t a body

moving freely between states.

My wife

twice dead in the mind

makes room for a better story

in the afterlife transformed

into energies

allowing for love

to enter like a fucking knockout

neither telegraphed nor expected.

Taking this fall, however

like Icarus was already written

into our code.

Science might say

we are programmed

we are predisposed to wonder to joy.

It is found

even in the nanotechnology

emotions are made of

you feel me?

Adjectives for eyes

the O in soul no one really understands

because it isn’t to be understood but felt

like astonishment

or fire

or fear

or tide.


Ona u svjetlu sjene nešto šapuće praiskonska materija nije duša svijeta već je tvar od koje je svijet napravljen bit. Štogod činili u vezi s tim Zapjevati večernju molitvu u tamu važno je, zar ne. Sve boje glasova Perzefona je prenijela u polja, viziju periferiju misli. Nije zakon zemlje, već zemlja iz koje zakon prokulja kao iz uspavane lukovice u tupu zimsku svjetlost. Ona okreće leđa zlatnom satu gdje slika jest i nije tijelo u slobodnom pokretu između stanja. Moja supruga dvaput preminula u mislima ostavlja mjesta za bolju priču u životu poslije smrti transformirana u energije dozvoljavajući ljubavi da uđe kao jebeni nokaut ni najavljen ni očekivan. Ipak, ovaj je pad poput Ikarova već upisan u naš kod. Znanost bi rekla programirani smo predodređeni za čudo radosti. Već je i

nanotehnologija otkrila da emocije su sačinjene od međusobnog shvaćanja. Pridjeve za oči U u duši nitko zapravo ne razumije jer se ni ne treba razumjeti već osjetiti poput ushita ili vatre ili straha ili plime.


Choosing one last daylight’s blindness her one foot

by the gloomy king still held

she leaned into that which isn’t matter

but some kind of psyche

and fell.

A sunray arrives on the body

a lightblinded eye.

I turn to the leaflost trees

through which the same sun

creates my shadow’s behavior.

We know Persephone is the idea of germination

not actual descent into earth

but every seed we know to linger in the soil

among the warm, black materials

is real life, waiting for its spring.

Still the air still the dark still the mirrored

presentation and sacrifice of sight light and no light

each companion an opposite

each word a world to embody empirically

to articulate things experienced in time

like breath like seeing

two lives suddenly engaged.

When we come up for air we are reverent

each breath an enantiodromia

each takes in what the other releases

encrystalled, ritually, in what negative space

symbolizes the chalice between bodies

the vessel perpetually filled

by what can never logically fill it.


Birajući posljednje sljepilo dana njezino stopalo još uvijek uz turobnog kralja naslonila se na nešto što nije tvar već neka vrst psihe i pala.

Zraka sunca stiže na tijelo svjetlom zaslijepljeno oko. Okrećem se ogoljelim stablima kroz grane kojih ono isto sunce oblikuje ponašanje moje sjene.

Znamo da je Perzefona pojam nicanja ne stvarnog poniranja u zemlju no svako sjeme koje znamo da čuči u tlu među toplim, tamnim supstratima predstavlja pravi život što čeka svoje proljeće. Ipak zrak i mrak i zrcalna predstava i žrtva vida svjetlo i njegov izostanak svaki par svojoj suprotnosti svaka riječ svijet da empirijski utjelotvori izrazi ono što smo iskusili u vremenu poput daha poput viđenja dva života u iznenadnom srazu. Kad izronimo po zrak puni smjernog štovanja svaki nam udah enantidromija svatko od nas udiše ono što drugi izdiše kristaliziran, ritualno, u onome što negativni prostor simbolizira kalež između dva tijela posuda neprestano punjena onim što je, po zakonu logike, nikada ne može napuniti.


The air tells me so: I am far back in time.

I am visitor, outside of time, and I am visited

in this way, by opposites: voice and glass,

then and pain, other and underworld.

In the porous boundary, vocatives appear

then disappear into the visitor’s name as vapor.

They are intimate and translated are what feels

like another’s voice a secret safe in the ear, filling

my cup over and over.

To recur, a thing must be emptied,

must be poured back into.

Its edge, the edge of a world I wear,

the sun falls from it, the din

of lives rushing past other lives,

then a form and its shadow collide.

Where before a body, a burden, now cloud-shapes;

a ghost opens into a spell.

We fall too often entranced into the mortal world’s sleep

forget ether favor order

forget the psychic body to argue for some small

space or thing to take and consume so why not

continue holding on to this dimension

the plaintive hem of your winter coat.

Vanquished winter never comes remember rings

trilling birds still trill in the green, still feed

on scatter love’s translucent blanket fallen hair

come back through time to visit now.

The veil between us

as sheer as rainwater

on my white car’s hood

weightless yet drawn together

by nature’s first force.

The gravity

of my love’s song

brings everything

but me

toward him.


Zrak mi govori: Zaostala sam u vremenu.

Posjećujem, izvan vremena, i posjećena sam

na isti način, suprotnostima: glas i staklo,

onda i bol, drugi i podzemni svijet.

U poroznim ograničenjima pojavljuju se vokativi,

da bi nestali u imenu posjetitelja poput izmaglice.

Intimni su i prevedeni podsjećaju

na glas nekog drugog tajna pohranjena u uho, puni

mi čašu opet i opet.

Da bi se ponovila, stvar se mora isprazniti,

mora se uliti natrag.

Rub je, rub svijeta koji nosim,

sunce s njega spada, buka

života što brzaju kraj drugih života,

tada se sudare oblik i njegova sjena.

Kada se ispred tijela, teret, oblikovan u oblake;

duh otvara u čaroliju.

Prečesto u transu padamo u smrtni san svijeta

zaboravimo eter izaberemo red

zaboravimo duhovno tijelo kako bismo raspravljali oko nekog malog

prostora ili neke nevažne stvari koju ćemo uzeti i trošiti stoga, zašto ne

nastaviti istrajavati do dimenzije

otužnog ruba tvog zimskog kaputa.

Pobjeđena zima nikada se ne vraća sjeti se prstenja

kliktavih ptica što još uvijek klikću u zelenilu, još se uvijek hrane

razbacanim ostacima sjajne ponjave ljubavi otpale kose

vrati se kroz vrijeme da bi sada posjetio.

Veo između nas

oštar kao kiša

na poklopcu motora mog bijelog automobila

bez težine smo, a ipak privučeni jedno drugom

prvom silom prirode.


moje ljubavne pjesme

donosi sve

osim mene

k njemu.


Ended as to en-dead

to close a life.

What then opens after?

A supernova’s proof

loosed throughout

the interstellar medium

like a spate of words


the comment thread

of one body politic

or another.


A mirrored door

conceals an unknown

organizational fold

behind the known, or

what we want to see.


In the space between

the road and the curb

in the space of memory

an arm of husky shadow

lifts off, up into the sun

as my father dispatches

a rattlesnake’s head

from the rivulet of its body

with a shovel.


Orpheus, too

lost his head

and went on

uncoiling a rope

of expletives



Privesti kraju kao približiti smrti

kako bi se završio život.

Što potom započinje?

Dokaz supernove

raspršen kroz

međuzvjezdani prostor

poput poplave riječi

koje nastanjuju

zajedničku misao

jedne politike tijela

ili druge.


Vrata s ogledalom

skrivaju nepoznati

organizacijski sloj

iza poznatog, ili pak

onog što želimo vidjeti.


U prostoru između

ceste i ruba

u prostoru sjećanja

ruka grlene sjene

podiže se prema suncu

dok moj otac odsjeca

glavu čegrtuše

s kolobara njezina tijela



I Orfej je

izgubio glavu

pa nastavio

odmotavati konope



S engleskog na hrvatski jezik preveli: Natalija Grgorinić i Ognjen Rađen


ZiN Daily is published by ZVONA i NARI, Cultural Production Cooperative

Vrčevan 32, 52204 Ližnjan, Istria, Croatia

OIB 73342230946

ISSN 2459-9379


Copyright © 2017-2021, ZVONA i NARI, Cultural Production Cooperative

The rights to all content presented at belong to its respective authors.

Any further reproduction or dissemination of this content is prohibited without a written consent from its authors. 
All Rights Reserved.

The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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ZVONA i NARI - Library & Literary Retreat - Vrčevan 32, 52204 Ližnjan, Croatia - + 385 99 232 7926 - - (c) 2011.-2025.

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