Donnie Welch runs poetry workshops for neurodiverse youth in schools and community centers around NYC. His writing has appeared in Gravel; Passages North; The Emerson Review; War, Literature, & the Arts; and elsewhere. He has a micro-chapbook The Post Atomic Sonnets (Origami Poems Project 2016) and a collection of children's poetry Who Gave These Flamingos Those Tuxedos (Emerson College Wilde Press 2013). Visit DonnieWelchPoetry.com for more on him and his work.
"My work in special education settings in America puts me in class contact with Speech Therapists. What I've learned from my close colleagues in this field about language, word formation, and the (sometimes) fraught connection between ideation and vocalization inspired the word play and rhythm in this piece."
Knock ur sox off
Get ur rox off
Say it real soft
SMH...ABC the building blocks of Lng
Next from the pile up: skin, needy
Don’t leave me,
Lone ly
Bone ly
A dog w/o a po ny
It’s u 4 me & me 4 u
Let’s ramaba to batcha
And skip to the lou
My Darling My Darlin’