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Jaded Triptych: Christopher Barnes

Christopher Barnes


Ears prickle and his tongue drips once. Cur at the trattoria is alert. A heavy breath. Shusshing traffic overlays the ruckle of cups on aluminium. Tail away. Yap-Yap! A nylon leash bends the fence. Chair leg scrapes on paving as his nose jabs denim. Kettle-grown mint ruffles in the breeze. He sniffs the table, shuffles to the left. Hairs disentangle, fall. Questioning look in butterscotch eyes. Plod, jump, wriggle, then patient sitting. Assurance is a gesture.


Karl’s strength evaporated when Robbie left. Twelve cushioned years, soured in July. The fling was dumbfounding, upending the future with a deep-echoing blow. Lies showed in posture as well as the voice. A phone that never rings is gratuitous. Daylight awakens the conscience-smitten; yawns are full of reproach.


The sky feigns a vacant pose. Downdrafts w-huh around the crane. Leaves rustle, agitated. Water shimmers to olive, touch-and-go at brick edging. Curving towards the flux, the rowing boat grapples to its purpose. Traction of oar jiggles green slime. Off-white gathers…is pushed away. Damp wood – sudden dip at the stern reflects red. A shudder makes Vvvvvs after slops whorl the paddle’s gusto. The distance tugs an invisible rope. One duck sinks, bobs. Ripples quick-turn into lop-sided grids. Light sees light in a myriad of animated triangles. A once-thrown over stone wraps its memories around sticky algae. Gnats criss-cross their dance, hypnotising a wave. Unseen, a conscious fish pouts a bubble on the surface. There, the predictable roll dissipates.


By Christopher Barnes

ZiN Daily is published by ZVONA i NARI, Cultural Production Cooperative

Vrčevan 32, 52204 Ližnjan, Istria, Croatia

OIB 73342230946

ISSN 2459-9379


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The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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