Stan Lafleur is a poet from Koeln, Germany. His latest work includes Rhein-Meditation (Edition 12 Farben, rhein wörtlich, Köln 2014/15), a collection of essays about the river Rhine. In this book he explores the watery body of the universe inside each of us, its endless motion, return, expansion - when a water moves into water to become an all-encompassing entity, broader, losing shape and finding it, building itself anew. In the words of Hans-Christian Andersen: „Ich bin wie das Wasser, alles bewegt mich, alles spiegelt sich in mir.“ („I'm like the water, everything moves me, everything mirrors in me.)
The photos that Stan took while at the ZiN residency in Ližnjan in September of 2016 show the water that is not a river any more, but a sea, or maybe it is still a river that is also a sea... You can find more of his work at