Gošća ZVONA i NARA, mlada spisateljica Becca Rose Hall jučer je zajedno sa svojim suprugom Nateom Knutsonom posjetila Osnovu školu Dr. Mate Demarina u Medulinu gdje se susrela s ravnateljicom škole, Dragicom Dorić, učenicima osmih razreda te njihovim nastavnicama na satu engleskog. Kroz razgovor, učenici su saznali o Beccinom novom romanu na kojem radi u ližnjanskom svratištu, o gradu u kojem živi, Seattleu te drugim zanimljivim pojedinostima iz života ovog američkog para. Bila je to još jedna prilika da djeca čuju izvorne govornike engleskog jezika čime se nastavlja uspješna suradnja između medulinske škole i našeg svratišta.
ZiN writer-in-residence for February/March is Becca Rose Hall from Seattle. She is in Ližnjan together with her husband Nate Knutson. During her stay Becca is working on her novel recounting a story of an Indian immigrant in the U.S. Becca studied writing and environmental studies at Stanford University and the University of Montana. At the moment she's the director of Frog Hollow School, a writing program for children.

Thursday morning Becca and Nate visited the students and teachers of 8th grade of "Dr. Mate Demarin" Elementary School in Medulin. Welcomed by the principal, Dragica Dorić, who is always an encouraging and welcoming host for writers when they visit school, our American guests had a chance to learn about Istra and Croatia. Equally, students had a chance to learn about writing, but also about some cultural aspects of living in Seattle. At one point a song by Whitney Houston was sung and a concept of square dance explained!
Becca says about the visit:
"Visiting the class was a blast. Kids were inquisitive and polite, asked great questions, and somehow got us to dance and sing. We were reminded of how little we learn in the U.S. about Croatia (and so much of the world) unless we seek it out."