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Lotus Fervor: Rose Knapp

Rose Knapp

Rose Knapp is a poet, producer, and multimedia artist. She has publications in Lotus-Eater, Bombay Gin, BlazeVOX, Hotel Amerika, Gargoyle, and others. She has a chapbook with Hesterglock Press and a collection forthcoming with Dostoyevsky Wannabe. She lives in Los Angeles. Her work can be found at

I would describe my poetics as heavily influenced by Dadaism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism. Chaotic and anarchic, while never completely abandoning the competing desire for consistency and coherent narrative logic.


Faux Haiku

Absinthe shots are improper America says France is tote in the desert

Lotus Fervor

Some psychedelics Unfortunately require A Civilized touché At times of untimely Intimidation press Pronoia & paranoia Blazed lips of death Voices echo etched In their own reflection Too little and you're Stuck in swarming Aristotelian static Statuesque Crowds Immortals without Identity or even Mosques of masks Hijabs fade off faces Knives slide silently Into the side of White demons And by the time Alexander has one Adversus Visigoths Too much machismo Conquered crushed Catatonic crusades Straight lines turn India he dies and The Eastern silk Devours itself All roads lead To Helios Roses burn Silver glints Slices smoke Into projections Some call history

Kalām Kosmologica

Shadows of stars Tearing themselves

Flittering over this Wasteland Cantos

de chœur Enfant Fountain heads

terrible splendor Millions of millennia

Darts down into Skyscrapers

Steels its art And artificial

Insanity back Laughing as

It powders Stardust

Onto our chic Slits into vains

Nirvanic Nihilio Jaded Genesis

درويش Darwish Darjeeling

Lmao like authenticated Tourist trap queen clichés On Hollywood Boulevard Thud from illiterate illegals Like they were desig Noted for these astro Logical streets solut Atrocious Atomisms Exist Sartre~Satirically Authentic denoting yet To be exploited by the Explorers explicating Explicitly political poems Are polemical poison say Our Greying Grand Ginseng Ginsbergs wacking each Other off on to illogical Argumentum empirical

Placebo & Place

Detritus of Detroit Slicks soundly along The Chicago subway A four buy four crashes Circa 1929 and Goldman Quickly & quietly tries To remedy the situation Until work without end Catholics hide Muslims & Jews while Protestants Largely continue on their Manifest of massacring The unfit & unwilling Until a Goddot never Appears and humanism Hunts back its pathetic rain


ZiN Daily is published by ZVONA i NARI, Cultural Production Cooperative

Vrčevan 32, 52204 Ližnjan, Istria, Croatia

OIB 73342230946

ISSN 2459-9379


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The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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