Image: Unsplash, downloaded (https://unsplash.com/photos/turned-off-vintage-crt-television-on-road-R1J6Z1cnJZc) 4.2.2024.
as a community
we believe
statistics do not lie.
our youth
are walking away
from education
its promises
its opportunity
and its debt.
young families
live within tight budgets
in tough economic times.
cost of living increases
the suburban instinct to survive
managing expenses
using food banks
thrift shops
income support and casual employment.
this is the data of a highlight reels.
Geoffrey Aitken writes in Adelaide, on unceded Kaurna land as an awarded industrial minimalist poet to partly communicate his ‘lived experience disability’ for publishers both locally [AUS] and internationally [UK, US, CAN, Fr & CN]. Most recently [mid ’23 on], poetry at ‘Sparks of Calliope’, ‘StepAway Magazine’ & ‘Impspired’ [UK], ‘The Closed Eye Open’, [US]; ‘Oxygen’ and ‘unusual work’ [AUS]. He was nominated for the annual Best of the Net anthology in 2022.