Image: Unsplash, downloaded (https://unsplash.com/photos/RIQ96s3Uzso) 8.1.2022.
Bed Body Parts &
Body Parts in Bed.
Tomorrow is the day long waited for. Cranial. Waited for from top to bottom. Cranial. Top to Bottom. Cranial. Top to bottom. Cranial. Snatch.
Body Parts in Bed
Heel ta’ toe.
Heel ta’ toe.
Heel ta’ toe.
Why’s it so always what’s waited for the this is it thing, that phrase, you know, that classic. Ta’ toe. This is it. Ta’ toe. Waiting for’s forever b-b-b-b-but being there when there’s always been only the past, well, guns! Ta’ toe. S’ less than forgotten. Ta’ toe. Just never was. Ta’ toe. Never was. Ta’ toe. Never was. Ta’toe.
Body Parts in Bed
El-lbows, snatch.
El-lbows, snatch.
El-lbows, snatch.
Eyegrab the radium clock it’s not. Snatch. It’s not time. Snatch. There’s too much time. Snatch. But. Snatch. How can it not be time meaning there’s too much time. Snatch. To when it’s finally time. Snatch. I could tell you I could. Snatch. I could tell you, you know. Snatch. But I am not going to. Snatch. Am not. Snatch. Not going to. Snatch. Not.
Body parts in bed.
Fists under the butt.
Fists under the butt.
Fists under the butt.
Press this, and then that. Butt. Then press both together. Butt. Hard in the dark. Butt. In the warm. Butt. In the dark. Butt. In the dark and the warm and the dark. Butt. But, false. Butt. The warm and the dark’s quite likely the problem. Butt.
Body parts in bed.
On the side steady ‘nd easy.
On the side steady ‘nd easy.
On the side steady ‘nd easy.
In this situation what do the experts say. ‘nd easy. Say. ‘nd easy. What. ‘nd easy. Do, the experts say. ‘nd easy. Go, go, and do. ‘nd easy. They say mostly stop trying. ‘nd easy. I did know that. ‘nd easy. Trying so hard. ‘nd easy. Remembered that. ‘nd easy. Okay now, what to do. ‘nd easy. My face. ‘nd easy. Before all saw my face the one way but now. ‘nd easy. Yes, I am another. ‘nd easy. And another. ‘nd easy. And and. ‘nd easy. Another. ‘nd easy.
Body parts in bed.
One arm up this side other down that side.
One arm up this side other down that side.
One arm up this side other down that side.
Such things as this just can’t be. Down that side. The first seconds being told numb one. Down that side. But not in a bodily way and. Down this side. Yes, that plus this, not. Down that side. Y’ not in a spiritual way also, neither. Down this side. The knowing of anything simply stops. Down that side. When decisions on you like this get made. Down this side. Yes, get made. Down this side. That side. This.
Body parts in bed.
Legs too bent stretch.
Legs too bent stretch.
Legs too bent stretch.
Who now sleeps to that side heard it too, but. Stretch. Who now sleeps to that side may have thought it horrible. Stretch. That no doubt something soothing ought to be said. Stretch. Yes, yes. Stretch. No doubt something ought have been said. Stretch. Who now sleeps to that side might have rightly said something. Stretch. Like it will be fine; things will work out; eh heh eh heh, yes. Stretch. But. Stretch. But. Stretch. Many buts attached this dark night as. Stretch.
Body parts in bed.
Ok try the left side. Roll.
Ok try the left side. Roll.
Ok try the left side. Roll.
From who now sleeps to that side, touch was given. Roll. But no do not react. Roll. Must know what thoughts in who now sleeps to that side drove the touch that was given. Roll. Hard to know what to say, without. Roll. Impossible. Roll. Sensible replies to touches given, require some knowledge of why. Roll. Why the touch. Roll. What thought drove the touch cannot know because. Roll. Behind all words touches or actions at all boil roiling unspoken cloudy thoughts. Roll. Sometimes even unknown to the thinker. Roll. Not to go in there. Roll. What will come out. Roll. No. Roll.
Body parts in bed.
No not right. Other side crap. Turn.
No not right. Other side crap. Turn.
No not right. Other side crap. Turn.
Faster; who sleeps to that side’s not now, because. Turn. Sink. Turn. Press. Turn. Try. Turn. Try. Turn. Press in. Turn. Push in. Turn. This cannot be. Turn. All around’s wrong. Turn. All opposites of soft. Turn. All sandpaper and rocks. Turn. Hot. Turn. Hot. Turn. Sweat’s ooze from any. Turn. Maybe some water. Turn. Any working too hard. Turn. Working to hard at this. Turn. Working too hard at this causes its opposite. Turn. They say stop working. Turn. Don’t try. Turn. Let go. Turn. Don’t. Turn. Let. Turn. Try, go. Turn. Let. Turn.
Body parts in bed.
No, enough; be still, relax, enough.
No, enough; be still, relax, enough.
No, enough; be still, relax, enough.
Nothing. Enough. Less than. Enough. As never was. Enough. As—
Enough. Tomorrow! Enough. Light ‘round the windows no yes; today. Enough. Sleep instantly becomes tomorrow. Enough. You liar, you sleep; you brought the tomorrow. Enough. Dreaded but. Enough. This is tomorrow.
No rest. Enough. Today. Enough.
Why does it have to be this way?
Why does it have to be that way?
Why did it have to be those ways?
Body parts in bed.
About the Author: Jim Meirose's work has appeared in numerous venues. His novels include "Sunday Dinner with Father Dwyer"(Optional Books), "Understanding Franklin Thompson"(JEF), "Le Overgivers au Club de la Résurrection"(Mannequin Haus), and "No and Maybe - Maybe and No"(Pski's Porch). Info: www.jimmeirose.com @jwmeirose