Image: Unsplash, downloaded https://unsplash.com/photos/y8NR1RGfZjg (23.5.2021.)
a stopped clock
wanted to be the one to
paint christ as a sleeping tiger and i
wanted to be the one to
prophesy his defeat
wanted to laugh when my mother
called with the news of my father’s
death, but i couldn’t get
enough air
couldn’t remember ever having
seen you in winter and
you were so fucking beautiful and
we were so goddamn high
were just a handful of
meaningless words carved across
the back of some anonymous
college lover
the stereo while the neighbors locked
their daughter in the closet
while the choices for a
brighter future all ran dry
About the Author: John Sweet sends greetings from the rural wastelands of upstate NY. His latest poetry collections include A FLAG ON FIRE IS A SONG OF HOPE (2019 Scars Publications) and A DEAD MAN, EITHER WAY (2020 Kung Fu Treachery Press).