Image: Unsplash, downloaded (https://unsplash.com/photos/mOMfZB2Vtpk) 19.8.2023.
From my green hills I call to you.
From the rivers I sing to you.
From the seas I send you rain and wind.
From the tiniest flower I bring you joy.
From the rocks and forest
I bequeath you mystery and magic.
From the jungles I offer you beauty.
From the deserts I send you wisdom.
From the lakes I give you serenity.
From the soil I provide you grains.
I am everything for you.
Now love me with your every breath,
for we are one and the same!
Author about Himself: I have traveled the world; written over two thousand poems; performed in many venues, including the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco with Grammy-award winner opera star, Lucas Meachem. I have had many adventurous work situations and have written 15 books, some of which have been published. My website is: Nealgrace.com.