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Zdenka Čavić: Keeping us Obedient

ZiN Daily

Image: Unsplash, downloaded ( 11.12.2021.


We live in uncertain times of constant and frequent cataclysms and turmoil, which unfortunately do not give us a bright perspective at all. Overwhelmed by waves of emotion, we float on the surface of reality, fighting for our place under the sun. Primarily so that we can survive and know how to deal with emotions.

Among other things, that is why we incarnate. They guide us through the Scylla and Charybdis of our days and teach us how to react at a given moment to the waves of emotions that emanate from our subconscious and always bring to the fore exactly those that we must comprehend and try to overcome. This is not easy because our personal mission is bombarded daily by negativity that hinders our efforts to live here and now in harmony with everything that surrounds us in our microcosmos.

Unfortunately, tendencies lead to an increasing accumulation of negativity and fear that is becoming the dominant emotion in our lives. Everyday incomprehensible fears creep through all our pores. Those caught in the web of our cognitions and those elusive. Fear has large eyes. He has a thousand faces. He is latently present, but none of us actually know what circumstance emerges as a trigger that can lead from irrational to real fears and their consequences.

Our cognitive system is arranged so that there are a number of innate predispositions to deal with it and negative emotions. Predispositions for innate fears are correlated with recognition and our age. From early childhood, to adolescence, from youth, to adulthood and old age. The fundamental one, which we genetically carry within us from birth, is the fear of death. It is followed by fear of the unknown, fear of disease, fear of war, famine, natural disasters but also a whole range of other fears and phobias, zoophobia, fear of heights, fear of enclosed spaces and so on... there is a long list of fears that do not permit us to breathe and live freely even though we are actually born with certain possibilities for suppressing fears, so facing them should not make our lives miserable.

Nowadays, these basic categories of fear are joined by completely new fears, the fear of global transhumanism, the fear of technological progress and smart technology that is slowly but surely devouring us. We are increasingly moving through a system of predominantly paranoid thoughts in which fear enters the vibrational code of man and systematically permeates him. We have become nailed to the epigenetic structure of thoughts that pass into the collective consciousness of humanity. As if those ordinary fears of ours were not enough to make our lives miserable. Thus, fear begins to walk through the world without the mask has so far been hidden by globalization that has released it into the world.

Man is becoming just a figure on a chessboard, with which a few powerful men are slowly but surely playing a game of chess, and people are pawns of marginal importance, like guinea pigs. I don't know how many of us even think about how the collective fear has prevailed among us, which through a series of behind-the-scenes actions has been placed on man and grown from a placebo into a real disease. A disease of the body and a disease of the soul which fear reigns slowly but systematically. Fear with a thousand faces and a single mask that is slowly falling off and starting to be really dangerous to people’s health and lives. Everything that makes us human and why each of us has and carries his own personality and identity is abused. And that personality has less and less room for maneuver to develop freely.

We are proud of the mind, which distinguishes us from the lower species and by which we acquire and master knowledge and realize unimaginable possibilities of progress, and at the same time it is not very clear to us how the mind works. "The mind is like a parachute - it only works if it's open," said Albert Einstein a long time ago. The mind also has its irrational side. It is necessary to know and be able to recognize it for the benefit and well-being of man. We must keep our attention focused on the essence, which fortunately cannot be materially valued. And consciousness, which gradually develops in spite of negative emotions, especially the emotion that leads them and is called fear. They need to be suppressed systematically according to the symptoms that are prevalent.

Very often it is almost impossible for us to overcome the accumulated anxiety and fear without outside help. One needs to know how to face his fear, scan it and start systematically dissolving and eliminating it from life. Just as fear swallows everything in front of it, there is a way we can unmask it and turn it into its opposite by strengthening courage, self-confidence and forces that wont bow down before it, no matter what kind of fear it is. We can slowly become fearless, which does not mean that we should rush to freedom without thinking the process trough. Because that way we could get hurt. The transformation of consciousness happens gradually, and we must learn to live in accordance with it.

Fear is dissolved by knowledge and acceptance. Long ago, the wise man of the world said that they weren't looking for followers, but for people who know how to think for themselves, because only in this way are ideas born that lead to new knowledge and that, if lived with care and vigilance, bring the possibilities of converting and surpassing the daily quotas of fear that charge at us from all sides with only one goal. To keep us obedient.

It is so easy to manipulate a frightened man. Only a free man can grow and mature into a human individual who is able to overcome adversity and fears. The paths leading to freedom are steep and paved with problems, but in the end it always pays off. Think about it. It is important to keep an eye on what is happening around us and to build our own belief system based on what we see, and not on the beliefs that are imposed on us, because that is the only way to face everything that life brings us in a victorious way.

About the Author: She was born in Koprivnica. After earning her academic title in Zagreb, she earned a degree from the International center for computer graphic design IVORA in Varaždin. As a member of cultural associations; the Croatian Parliament of Culture, Croatian national institution - Matica Hrvatska, Varaždin Literary Society, Society of Croatian Writers of Herceg Bosna, Association for the Promotion of culture KVAKA and Cultural arts Society Podravka, she is a frequent participant in literary manifestations. Her poems and prose have been published in all relevant proceedings recitals in Croatia, in literary journals, as well as on some domestic and foreign literary portals. In addition to a number of recognitions, she received several notable awards. So far she has published six books.

Croatian version:


Živimo u nesigurnim vremenima stalnih i čestih kataklizmi i previranja, koje nam na žalost nimalo ne pružaju svjetlu perspektivu. Preplavljeni valovima emocija plutamo površinom stvarnosti boreći se za svoje mjesto pod suncem. Prvenstveno kako bismo opstali i znali se nositi s emocijama.

Između ostalog, zato smo se i utjelovili. One nas vode kroz „Scile i Haribde“ naših dana i uče kako reagirati u pojedinom trenutku na valove emocija koje izviru iz naše podsvijesti i uvijek u prvi plan donose baš one koje moramo spoznati i pokušati savladati. To baš i nije lako pošto tu našu osobnu misiju svakodnevno bombardiraju negativnosti sa strane i ometaju nam nastojanje da ovdje i sada živimo u suglasju sa svime što nas okružuje u našem mikrokozmosu.

Na žalost, tendencije vode k sve većem sabiranju negativnosti i straha koji postaje dominantna emocija u našim životima. Svakodnevno nam se kroz sve pore uvlače neshvatljivi strahovi. Oni uhvatljivi u mrežu naših spoznaja i oni neuhvatljivi. A u strahu su velike oči. Strah ima tisuću lica. Latentno je prisutan, no nitko od nas zapravo ne zna koja okolnost se pojavljuje kao okidač koji može dovesti od iracionalnih do stvarnih strahova i njegovih posljedica.

Naš je spoznajni sustav uređen tako da u njemu postoji čitav niz urođenih predispozicija za suočavanje s njime i negativnim emocijama. Predispozicije na urođene strahove su u korelaciji s prepoznavanjem i našim uzrastom. Od ranog djetinjstva, do adolescencije, od mladosti, pa do zrelog doba i starosti. Onaj temeljni, koji genetski nosimo u sebi od rođenja, je strah od smrti. Slijedi ga strah od nepoznatog, strah od bolesti, strah od rata, gladi, elementarnih nepogoda, ali i čitav niz drugih strahova i fobija, zoofobija, straha od visina, strah od zatvorenog prostora i tako bismo mogli nabrajati podužu listu strahova koji nam ne daju slobodno disati i živjeti, iako smo s određenim mogućnostima za suzbijanje strahova zapravo rođeni, pa nam suočavanje s njima ne bi trebalo zagorčavati život.

U današnje vrijeme tim se osnovnim kategorijama straha pridružuju i sasvim novi strahovi, strah od globalnog transhumanizma, strah od tehnološkog napretka i pametne tehnologije koja nas polako ali sigurno proždire. Sve se više krećemo kroz sustav pretežnih paranoidnih misli u kojima strah ulazi u vibracijski kod čovjeka i sustavno ga prožima. Postali smo zakovani u epigenetsku strukturu misli koje prelaze u kolektivnu svijest čovječanstva. Kao da oni naši obični strahovi nisu bili dovoljni da nam zagorčavaju život. Time strah počinje hodati svijetom bez maske koju je do sada skrivala globalizacija i puštala ga na mala vrata u svjetski opticaj.

Čovjek sve više postaje samo figura na šahovskoj ploči kojom polako ali sigurno partiju igraju malobrojni moćnici, a ljudi su postali pijuni marginalnog značaja, poput zamoraca. Ne znam koliko nas uopće razmišlja o tome kako je među nama zavladao kolektivni strah koji je kroz niz zakulisnih radnji plasiran čovjeku i prerastao iz placeba u pravu bolest. Bolest tijela i bolest duše kojom strah polako ali sustavno vlada. Strah s tisuću lica i jednom jedinom maskom koja polako spada i počinje biti zaista opasna po zdravlje i život ljudi. Zloupotrebljava se sve što čovjeka čini čovjekom i zbog čega svatko od nas ima i nosi svoju osobnost i svoj identitet. A ta osobnost ima sve manje manevarskog prostora da se slobodno razvija.

Dičimo se umom, koji nas razlikuje od nižih vrsta i kojim stječemo i savlađujemo znanja i ostvarujemo neslućene mogućnosti napretka, a pri tom nam baš i nije jasno kako funkcionira um. “Um je poput padobrana - funkcionira jedino ako je otvoren”, rekao je već odavno Albert Einstein. Um ima i svoju iracionalnu stranu. Treba je znati i moći prepoznati u korist i na dobrobit čovjeka. Moramo pažnju zadržati usmjerenu na bit, koja se srećom ne može materijalno vrednovati. I svjesnost, koja se postupno razvija unatoč negativnih emocija, poglavito emocije koja ih predvodi a zove se strah. Potrebno ih je suzbijati sustavno već prema simptomima koji su prevladavajući.

Često nam je bez pomoći sa strane gotovo nemoguće savladati nagomilanu tjeskobu i strah. Treba znati ući u oči strahu, skenirati ga i početi sustavno rastvarati i eliminirati iz života. Kao što strah guta sve pred sobom, postoji i način kojim ga možemo demaskirati i pretvarati u njegovu suprotnost jačanjem hrabrosti, samouvjerenosti i silnica koje se ne boje ustuknuti pred njim, bez obzira na to o kakvoj vrsti straha se radi. Polako možemo postati neustrašivi, što ne znači da trebamo srljati u oslobađanje - đonom. Na taj način bi mogli stradati. Transformacija svijesti događa se postupno, i mi moramo naučiti živjeti u skladu s njom.

Strah se rastvara znanjem i prihvaćanjem. Još davno su mudraci svijeta rekli da ne traže sljedbenike, već ljude koji znaju misliti svojom glavom, jer samo se tako rađaju ideje koje dovode do novih spoznaja i koje čovjeku ako živi s pažnjom i budnošću, donose mogućnosti preobraćanja i nadilaženja svakodnevnih kvota straha koje jurišaju na nas sa svih strana sa samo jednim ciljem. Držati nas u pokornosti.

Tako je lako manipulirati ustrašenim čovjekom. Samo slobodan čovjek može rasti i stasati u ljudsku jedinku koja je u stanju pobjeđivati nedaće i strahove. Putovi koji vode k slobodi su strmi i popločeni problemima, ali se na kraju uvijek isplate. Razmislite o tome. Bitno je da budno pratimo što se sve događa nama i oko nas i na temelju toga graditi svoja, a ne nametnuta nam uvjerenja i savladati servirane nam emocije, jer je to jedini način da se sa svime što nam život donosi suočimo na način pobjednika.

O autorici: Rođena je u Koprivnici. Nakon što je akademsku titulu stekla u Zagrebu, diplomirala je i na Međunarodnom centru za računalno grafički dizajn IVORA u Varaždinu. Kao članica kulturnih asocijacija, Hrvatskog sabora kulture, Hrvatske nacionalne institucije - Matice hrvatske, Varaždinskog književnog društva, Društva hrvatskih književnika Herceg Bosne, Udruge za promicanje kulture KVAKA i Kulturno umjetničkog društva Podravka, česta je sudionica književnih manifestacija. Njezine pjesme i proza objavljene su u svim relevantnim zbornicima recitala u Hrvatskoj, u književnim časopisima, kao i na nekim domaćim i stranim književnim portalima. Osim brojnih priznanja, dobitnica je i nekoliko zapaženih nagrada. Do sada je objavila šest knjiga.



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The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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