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Zdenka Čavić: Like Tranquilizers And Painkillers

ZiN Daily

Image: Unsplash, downloaded ( 16.1.2022.


People lie. Even if the lie is well-intentioned, a so-called white lie, to make something easier for someone or to keep a secret, a lie is still just a lie. The truth will always come out. Not to mention that lies, if they outgrow some harmless frames, become a burden for the person. Because of them, their conscience is not clean, and they are surely damaging them in some way. There are also people who are pathological liars, like a kleptomaniac who has to steal something, a liar has to lie about something. As soon as the opportunity presents itself. By doing so, they label themselves and lose credibility even when they are not lying.

They often lie to avoid embarrassing conversation, but by doing so they underestimate the person they have lied to. Regardless of whether the lie refers to a deceit in relationships, or the lie has taken on greater proportions, and it is used for misrepresentation, to acquire something that does not belong to us, all the way up to lies and cover ups on the wider socio-political scene. But that's not the end of it either. Lies are being used on a global scale to cover up the truth about technological advances, about armaments, about enslaving people at every step of the way by feeding them colorful lies that they swallow like tranquilizers and painkillers. No prescription. Only few people know the recipe and use it to reset the reality in which we live.

Lies are dangerous, regardless of the level at which they survive, and they do not lead to human well-being. The truth, no matter how bitter, opens up the space for hope and action, and the lie prevents it. However, concealing the truth cannot last forever, so when the lie reaches a critical mass, it explodes and then its victims begin to be counted. Lying is a burden; it leads to anxiety and worry. Even pathological liars feel it as a burden, let alone those who just occasionally resort to telling lies.

"He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes; for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one." said the famous writer Alexander Pope.

It is said that lies have short legs. Sooner or later the lies come to the light. Cover up is only a temporary measure.

"A lie never lives to be old." said the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles. So, if a person wants to have a clear conscience and live without additional burdens, he must tell the truth in order to better his life. Self-esteem is important for mental health; you need to know how to preserve it. Lying shouldn’t be present in peoples lives. Yet, by some miracle, it is spreading around the world and seems to have a guaranteed future. Lies are hard to manage, but lying seems to work for us.

“A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.” It is a famous saying by Mark Twain, a nineteenth-century American writer.

Yes, we lie to ourselves, our loved ones lie to us, political leaders lie, world leaders, scientists lie. It seems that nowadays this saying will need to be supplemented with "while the truth is lacing up its boots, a lie travels the whole world."

About the Author: Zdenka Čavić was born in Koprivnica. After earning her academic title in Zagreb, she earned a degree from the International center for computer graphic design IVORA in Varaždin. As a member of cultural associations; the Croatian Parliament of Culture, Croatian national institution - Matica Hrvatska, Varaždin Literary Society, Society of Croatian Writers of Herceg Bosna, Association for the Promotion of culture KVAKA and Cultural arts Society Podravka, she is a frequent participant in literary manifestations. Her poems and prose have been published in all relevant proceedings recitals in Croatia, in literary journals, as well as on some domestic and foreign literary portals. In addition to a number of recognitions, she received several notable awards. So far she has published six books.

Croatian version:


Nema čovjeka koji barem ponekad nije nešto slagao. Čak ako je laž i dobronamjerna, tzv. bijela laž, da nekome nešto laganjem olakšamo ili u vlastitom interesu prešutimo, ipak je laž samo laž. Kad tad će se obiti o glavu onome tko je lagao. Da ne govorimo o tome da laži, ako prerastu bezazlene okvire, opterećuju čovjeka. Zbog njih ima nečistu savjest i sigurno ga na neki način oštećuju. Postoje i osobe koji su patološki lažljivci, poput kleptomana koji mora nešto ukrasti, lažljivac mora nešto izmisliti i slagati. Čim mu se ukaže prilika. Time se sam etiketira i gubi vjerodostojnost čak i kad ne laže.

Često se laže kako bi se izbjegao neugodan razgovor, no time samo podcjenjujemo osobu kojoj smo lagali. Bez obzira da li se laž odnosi na prevaru u odnosima, ili je pak laž poprimila veće razmjere pa se laže kako bi se krivo predstavili, kako bi stekli nešto što nam ne pripada, pa sve do laži i zataškavanja na široj društveno političkoj sceni. No ni tu nije kraj. Laže se u svjetskim razmjerima kako bi se prikrila istina o tehnološkom napretku, o naoružanju, o porobljavanju čovjeka na svakom koraku hraneći ga šarenim lažima koje gutamo kao tablete za smirenje i protiv bolova. Bez recepta. Recept znaju malobrojni koji i resetiraju stvarnost u kojoj živimo.

Laži su opasne, bez obzira na razinu na kojoj opstaju i ne vode k dobrobiti čovjeka. Istina, ma kako gorka bila, otvara prostor za nadu i djelovanje, a laž je u tome priječi i zamagljuje. Prikrivanje istine ipak ne može vječno trajati, pa kad laž dostigne kritičnu masu eksplodira i tad se počinju brojati žrtve. Laž je teret, vodi k anksioznosti i tjeskobi. Čak je i patološkim lažljivcima teret, a kamoli onome tko se povremeno služi lažima.

"Onaj koji laže ne zna koji je zadatak preuzeo, jer će biti prisiljen izmisliti još dvadeset, kako bi prvo održao sigurnost ovoga", rekao je poznati književnik Alexander Pope.

Kaže se da su u laži kratke noge. Prije ili kasnije laži izađu na vidjelo. Zataškavanje je samo privremena mjera.

“Laž nikad ne doživi starost”, izreka je starogrčkog dramatičara Sofokla. Dakle, ako čovjek želi imati mirnu savjest i živjeti bez dodatnih opterećenja, barem si istinom može uljepšati život. Samopoštovanje je bitno za mentalno zdravlje, treba ga znati čuvati. Laganje nam zapravo uopće ne bi ni trebalo biti prisutno u životu. Ipak, nekim čudom širi se svijetom i izgleda da ima zagarantiranu budućnost. Lažima je teško upravljati, no čini se da nam laganje ide.

"Dok istina obuje cipele, laž proputuje pola svijeta." Jedna je od slavnih izreka Marka Twaina, američkog književnika iz devetnaestog stoljeća.

Da, lažemo sami sebi, lažu nam naši najmiliji, lažu političke vrhuške, lažu svjetski lideri, znanstvenici. Čini se da će u današnje vrijeme i ta izreka trebati biti promijenjena u „dok istina obuje cipele, laž proputuje čitav svijet.“

O autorici: Zdenka Čavić rođena je u Koprivnici. Nakon što je akademsku titulu stekla u Zagrebu, diplomirala je i na Međunarodnom centru za računalno grafički dizajn IVORA u Varaždinu. Kao članica kulturnih asocijacija, Hrvatskog sabora kulture, Hrvatske nacionalne institucije - Matice hrvatske, Varaždinskog književnog društva, Društva hrvatskih književnika Herceg Bosne, Udruge za promicanje kulture KVAKA i Kulturno umjetničkog društva Podravka, česta je sudionica književnih manifestacija. Njezine pjesme i proza objavljene su u svim relevantnim zbornicima recitala u Hrvatskoj, u književnim časopisima, kao i na nekim domaćim i stranim književnim portalima. Osim brojnih priznanja, dobitnica je i nekoliko zapaženih nagrada. Do sada je objavila šest knjiga.



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The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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